USS Turner Joy Amateur Radio Club

Museum Ship Weekend, June 3-5, 2011

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California crew ready to head out with the antenna.
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The main weapon this year, a beam tri-bander, ready to reach out and touch anyone we want, almost...
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Jeff (KA6ZMU) working a pile-up, again...
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Ralph (N7WWY) working a pile-up.
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Bob (KA7UMR) ready to work some ships.
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Sean (KE6LMF) hunting for ships.
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View from one of the masts.
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Bob looking for good placed for antennas.
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Looking good towards the beginning of a day.
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Leaving the ship at the end of Sunday, closing out another good event.
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Captain Jack, the racoon.

From the President:

"The USS Turner Joy will take part in a world wide event for three days in June. On 3,4 and 5 June the TJ and over 80 museum ships will be on the ham bands. Ships who have not spoken to each other for decades will once again make contact. Plan to arrive on the morning of 3 June and select one of several operating positions. Bring those items necessary to spend Friday and Saturday night aboard the ship. We'll operate as long as there is a band open. Let yours be the voice that makes contact with such ships as the USS Missouri, USS New Jersey and the USS Midway."

QSL Card

USS Turner Joy Museum


  • » 80 Meters: 3.960 MHz
  • » 40 Meters: 7.260 MHz
  • » 20 Meters: 14.260 MHz
  • » 15 Meters: 21.360 MHz
  • » 10 Meters: 28.360 MHz



Bremerton, WA, USA
